Hello! My name is Solstice Fields and I'm a writer & worldbuilder.I'm 18 years old, disabled, neurodivergent, LGBTQ+ and a US citizen. I tend to write fantasy, sci-fi, LGBTQ+ and action/adventure, though I do sometimes dabble in other genres.I tend to use the sites World Anvil and to host the majority of my worldbuilding.I have multiple online profiles, including Wattpad, Inkitt and Tumblr.I am also considering making a Discord server, but this will be a later endeavor.


I am currently working on 2 major projects, one being the world of Solvyria. This world and its stories will be put into the public domain to be read/seen for free.While I do have another project, I intend to have it traditionally published, meaning all content relating to it must stay out of the public domain.


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Business Email: [email protected]¹


¹ Only use this email if you are interested in a partnership or a contract. It is a business email for a reason.